Leigh Adrian Harline, the youngest of Carl and Matilda Harline's thirteen children, was born March 26, 1907 in Salt Lake City, Utah. He received music training from J. Spencer Cornwall, conductor of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and following his graduation from the University of Utah, he began working for a string of radio stations.

By this point Leigh had started also working for Columbia Pictures, scoring several features a year, among them the films of the "Blondie" series with Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake. He did his last work for Disney in 1941 with his music for the Pluto short, The Sleepwalker. Over the next twenty years Harline was recognized by the Academy with five more nominations for the Best Music Oscar. In 1947 he was commissioned to write an orchestral work for the centennial of the settlement of Utah. He later wrote the musical scores for two well-known films for the Church, Man's Search for Happiness, and In This Holy Place.
From the late 1940s he worked almost exclusively for 20th Century Fox but he also composed for Paramount and later MGM. In the mid 1960s he worked on several television shows and he even was involved with music for a New York World's Fair film.
Leigh Harline passed away on December 10, 1969 from complications of throat cancer.
Great site. I love this type of biographicl info.
Check out my blog: http:www.toonsatwar.com for some background info I just recently discovered on Disney composer Oliver Wallace.
I have recently interviewed Hank Porter's two surviving children. They have provided me a wealth of great info which I will share on my blog and in the revised edition of my book Toons At war in the near future.
Thanks again for the beginnings of a great site!
My name is Emily Minchew. I live in Utah. My maternal grandfather Alden Harline is a nephew of Leigh Harline. I want to know who is the man who wrote this bio and where did he get the information.
Hi Emily.
Nice to hear from you. Sorry I couldn't respond more directly.
I researched wrote the biography myself; collecting the information from all over; addresses from city directories, voter records, and census records, information on his work was mostly from online sites -- with much information corroborated with more than one resource. The photo if Leigh is from my collection.
If you would like other information, please write to me by clicking the email link in profile.
- Joe
Good fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information.
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